Monday, December 13, 2010

What have I been up to?

I have been painting a house in town with Dad, Justin and Brother Chris.

Working with your brother is a lot of  FuN!
It takes two people to paint a door, you know! LOL

The colors blue and white made it look so fresh and clean. 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My New Teddy Bear

Pal gave me this bear for my birthday. Before she gave it to me she said it was something big, but honestly I never thought that it would be this big. LOL  I really like him, Pal! He is so warm and cuddly. I know it sounds funny me talking like he is someone, but I really like him... lol! Thank you, Pal!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Making Cards....


On my birthday we all got together at the Hyde's and made cards.

Was so much fun!

 I made a card for Pal,

 ... and she made one for me!
Thanx Pal!

A Christmas card Jessica made. It is not quite finished. There was a hat and carrot nose added to the snowman. =]

Meda's very pretty cards. 

 Joanna's card.

 Another one of Jessica's.

 Was a very fun day! 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Where'd the Cat GO?

I quick grabbed my camera to snap this shot. It was so cute, Butch & Jared were looking for the cat! LOL  I really like this picture, but I don't like the sun spots that got on it. Oh, well, just do me a favor this time and look past the spots.... thank you!

My Dream Room =]
I love to scrapbook, but obviously scrap booking is a very expensive hobbie. In that case I don't do it very often as I would like too. When I came across this scrapbook room on the internet I couldn't help but dream and wish. This person has a awesome set up and everything that she needs. Click the link to see more about it and then you will see what I am talking about! =)

Saturday, November 27, 2010


"We are Your people; we're not under any--any bondage. We are free. The Son has made us free, and we are free indeed to serve our Lord and our Father. We thank Thee. Talk about a thanksgiving day for freedom, we've got a real... Every day's a thanksgiving day; every hour's a thanksgiving day. I, who was once blind can now see; I, who was a sinner am now saved. O God, how free we are, how we can give You thanksgiving, thanksgiving from our heart that Jesus Christ the Son of God is not dead but He's alive among us tonight, proving Himself alive by signs, wonders, and miracles, pouring out the Holy Ghost upon His church in this last days just before His appearing. And signs and wonders appearing everywhere, marvelous things... And the God of heaven, oh hallelujah, giving praise and glory unto God. Oh, how we thank You for these things. It's a real thanksgiving in our heart. Receive the praises of Your people, Lord. We love You. We know that You are, and a Rewarder of those that diligently seek You."
                                   -- William M. Branham

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Balls of FIRE

Just take a few old tennis balls and dip them in to some of your Mom's rubbing alcohol. Light it and it is grand fuN!


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Dachshund Puppies

Yes, we now have two more dogs, for the time being anyway.
How we got them? Mom and us girls went to some yard sales. On the way to one, these dogs ran out in front of us at a stop sign. They obviously were lost and looked so frightened. Being the animal lovers that we are, feeling sorry for them we picked them up and called the number on the tag, which was a vet number. Anyway the vet gave us someones number. We called and the woman said that yes, she did know who the dogs belonged to, but she said that they hadn't been being treated right and that they hardly ever got food or water, (That explained why they were so skinny.) being chained out in the back of someones yard. So she said, "Either I will come pick them up and take them to the animal shelter myself or you can take them home. So we decided to take them home with us. We thought that we might try to find a good home for them, but as far as it looks we are getting attached to them and they to us. So for now they will be staying! The woman knew quite a bit about them, ages, names, etc...

This is Blinky. Was Slinky, named off of Toy Story, but everyone seemed to end up calling Him blinky. We tryed changing his name, but haven't found any that quite fit yet. He is a two month old little male, and is still full of puppy smells and fun.
Angel is older, 11 month old female, but she is still a fun loving puppy as well.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Is Here...

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.  ~Albert Camus

Every leaf speaks bliss to me,
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
Emily Bronte