Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Koda ::German Shepherd::

We are keeping this dog right now, and he is so pretty and big!
So sweet!

He is so smart!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Friends & Family

A friend is a person who you can trust, With your deepest secrets, that is a must. Your heart is shared with this special friend, For this is the person your life may depend. On helping you through good and bad, And making you smile when you are sad. When you feel that you have reached the end, pulling you through is your special friend. Lending their hand, and shoulder too, Is what a friend will always do. A friend will know when something is not right. And be there to help you and show you the light. Laughing and crying together you will, An empty void, a friend can fill. With the hugs and the talks their goal will be, To help you smile and help you see. Good times are plenty and better each day, As you honor your friend, when you get down and pray. Your special friend is part of you. When you are hurting they are too. Down the path of life together, You and your friend will be forever. Sharing all with each other, But being careful not to smother. For good or bad your friend will be there, Because this is a friend , some who cares! But most of all God is the One who holds our friendship together! love you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Grace & I

I am really enjoying my time with you, Grace.  Thank you so much for coming!! =D

Friends 4 Ever

:: pine cones ::

MoRe FuN PiCtuReS

Here are some more pictures of us having fun with Grace.. 

We have been stuck in the house ever since she got here cause of the cold weather. So we are not getting to do some of the things that we would have of liked to do, such as, going to the train tracks, going quading, looking at the pig lol and everything else that you can do outside. So instead we have done some baking, going shopping, getting on facebook, taking pictures, laughing, talking, eating, sleeping... ok - guess you could say that we are just being plain lazy. lol 

She was begging for more cookie dough and I wouldn't give her any lol so she threated to beat me up lol jk 

Laughing =D


Yummy peanut butter bars that we made.

Arizona snow.... Marshmallows :)

Having fun shopping with Jenny! =]

More snow?? No its icecream lol we got some even though it was freezing outside lol

And of course not to forget the many back massages that Grace has been giving us!

Until next time folks.. Don't freeze and keep up good spirits, cause this cold weather will come to an end one of these days.